Values and their classifications

ROLL NO.- 20HMB414


Introduction :

Management plays an important role in shaping our lives. It enables to recognise the values, the allocation of resources to attain the family goals so as to enhance the standard of life.

Goals, values and standards are closely related concepts. Value is the base and from values stem the other two concepts - goals and standards. Values are important to the individual but vague to express in operational terms.  

What is VALUE :

Value indicates the worth that is attached to any object, condition, principle or idea. Value is the capacity of something or somebody to satisfy the human desire. These are the ways behind our actions and the basis for setting goals.

All values are human. They are created, evaluated and enjoyed by persons. A value is always important to the person who holds it. It is desirable and satisfying. It has the ability to develop in self-creative way. It is relatively stable but tends to change gradually.  

The intensity of values vary from individual to individual. Values help an individual to direct his effort more intelligently in seeking satisfactions.

Meaning of Value :

Value is derived from a Latin word 'valeo', which originally meant Strength & Health, and then by nature transition, it came to mean, being effective and adequate. 
In French, the term valeur means Excellence. 

Value is a mixture of three concepts such as Idea, Quality and Supervention. 

Those who see values as 'Subjective' think of it this in terms of personal stance, occupied as a kind of choice and immune to rational argument (although often and curiosity, deserving some of reverence and respect). Those who see values as 'Objective' suppose that for some reason -- requirements of rationality human nature, God or other authority --choice can be guided and correct from some independent standpoint (Siman Blackburn, 1994).

To be of value is to have a certain virtue. The sense of value is an essential attribute of the human consciousness. It is this sense that prompts and guides the unceasing quest of the common thread of goodness in the good human being, the good society and the good life. In a general way the word 'values' expresses the qualitative significance or importance we assign to ideas, feelings activities and experiences. Our value judgments are expressed through  
statements like, 'she is a good person', and 'he is an honest man'. 'It is a beautiful sunset'; 'we
should respect elders', 'business dealings should be fair', etc

Socially approved desire and goal which become subjective preference, standard and aspiration (Mukherjee, 1956).  
 Satisfaction of human wants (Magenta, 1959).
 Social belief, ideal or norm (Kana, 1962).
 Values are something that' we consider good such as Love, kindness, quietness, contentment, fun, honesty, decency, relation and simplicity, (July henry "culture again  
man", 1963. 
 Motivation justifying thereby individual's behaviour (Jones & General, 1967).
 Idea, notion and articulated feeling which enable to prefer or not to prefer events or
behaviors (Zilfgler, 1972).
 Socially defined desires and goals that are internalized through the process of conditioning learning and socialization (Prahallad, 2000).  
 A system of personality traits which are in harmony with the inner nature of an individual and which are in accordance with the values approved by the society (Adithya Shetty and K Pushpanandan Kao, 2000). 

Types of Values :

Values are of two types - Intrinsic and Instrumental

1- INTRINSIC VALUE : An intrinsic value is one that is important and desirable for its own sake. e.g. art, the interest in beauty is an intrinsic value.
The value which is defined as “for its own sake”, “in itself”,  “as such”, “in its own right”
These values are strong values and stand for itself
Originate from the belief of life of family or individual.

For example, a person enjoying the sunrise at the top of the mountain.

2- INSTRUMENTAL / EXTRINSIC VALUE : An instrumental value is the means to attain other values, e.g. Efficiency in work, being good in study or art & craft etc. 

Extrinsic values are values which assist an intrinsic value. For example, if a person wants to attain intelligence then he needs to focus on his hard work, sincerity etc. Here in this case the intelligence is an intrinsic value, but hard work and sincerity is an extrinsic value. If a person is hardworking, sincere, punctual it will assist in getting intelligence.    

Some values possess both intrinsic and instrumental worth. 
The human values - love, affection, health; comfort, ambition, knowledge, wisdom, play, art and religion have both intrinsic and instrumental values.

The major values classified by Parker are:     

Love: It is the interest in relationship with people in its broad sense and its various forms are expressed as sex love, parental love, friendship and community love.

Health: It is the interest in physical and mental well-being.

Comfort: It is the interest in making life as pleasant and agreeable as possible.

Ambition: It is the interest or desire for success in life for a victorious achievement.

Knowledge and wisdom: It is the interest in truth and its use in all activities in living.

Technological interest or efficiency in work: It is the interest in the efficient making and using of things.

Play: It is the interest in beauty in all forms of expression.

Religion: It is the interest in goodness and rightness in unifying all aims and purposes in living.

Other types of values Include :

*Moral value: 
What you will do or will not do, simply because you believe it to be right or wrong, are decided by your moral values. They are basis of everybody's life and help us to shape our character well. 
They include Honesty, Punctuality, faithfulness, truthfulness and good character. 

*Aesthetic Value :
These are you feeling about what has beauty in nature and life. They reveal appreciation for the way the things look, feel, or smell.
Beauty in the eye of beholder. We all have different taste and perceptions. 
For e.g,  beautiful paintings, beautiful rooms, music (soft or loud), nature, & food etc. 

* Personal Values
Personal values are values that help you define what you want out of life and will assist you in being happy and fulfilled. They are the guiding principles of your life. Examples of personal values are: family life, popularity, health, and appearance.

* Character values 
They are the universal values that you need to exist as a good human being. They are also the core characteristics that employers look for when hiring. Examples of character values include: commitment, loyalty, positive attitude, and respect.

* Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

To guide the human beings in the right path and to inculcate the concept of 'universal
brotherhood' and to achieve the absolute values of Truth, Goodness and Beauty;
 To guide or give direction and firmness to life and bring joy, satisfaction and peace of life, to preserve ours. Culture and heritage and to develop morality and character;
 To bring the behavioural changes towards positivism;
 To develop the peace and harmony in the individuals and in the society;
 To bring quality of life and sustainable development in the society.
In formulating a conception of values Rokeach (1973) makes five assumptions about the
nature of human values:
 Values are organized into value systems;
 The total number of values that a person possesses are relatively small;
 All men everywhere possess the same values in different digress;
 The antecedents of human values can be traced to human culture, society and its institutions
and personality;
 The consequences of human values will be manifested in virtually all phenomena that social
scientists may consider worth investigating.
Role of values in human life as followes-
 Motivation
 Adjectives Function
 Knowledge Function
 The Ego-Defensive Function
 Self-Actualization Function
The system of values can be treated from the following sources of understanding
 Life Experience
 Cultural background
 Religious background
 Scientific background

Values grow out of human desire and interest. Values differ in cultures. The family has the major responsibility for fostering values among the members.



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